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Secured Ecommerce Hosting

Hosted ecommerce solutions with unmatched performance

We let BigCommerce handle your ecommerce hosting
Managing servers and the teams that run them can cost you tens of thousands of dollars per year and take away from the time you could be running your business. Hosted ecommerce platforms are often more secure and don’t require a high-level of expertise compared to self hosted software solutions. BigCommerce takes care of website hosting and security for you, with leading performance and Level 1 PCI compliance.

Industry-leading uptime

You can’t afford for your store to go down; our highest priority is making sure it doesn’t. Our hosted ecommerce platform has an average uptime of more than 99.99%, compared to 99.5% for the ecommerce industry as a whole. That’s the difference between your online store being down only minutes per year, versus nearly two days. And we delivered 100% availability during Cyber Week the last four years running.

Multi-layered security

It is imperative that hosted ecommerce software is secure. Each BigCommerce store is protected by multiple layers of security to prevent unauthorized access, including perimeter and server-specific firewalls, file integrity scanners, intrusion detection software, and 24/7 human monitoring. This enables you to focus on growing your business, while we handle the ecommerce hosting and security.

Sitewide HTTPS boosts conversion and search rankings

All BigCommerce plans offer HTTPS across your entire site. That lets shoppers know your online store is secure from the first page they visit through checkout, and ensures you’re complying with Google’s latest guidelines to maximize SEO.

Level 1 PCI-compliant hosting

Our servers are PCI DSS 3.2 certified at Level 1, which protects against credit card data breaches and eliminates the massive cost and hassle of handling compliance yourself. We let you accept leading payment methods without worrying about implementing PCI for your online store.


Faster sites, higher conversion

A 1-second delay in page load can decrease conversion by 7%. Online stores hosted on BigCommerce are blazing fast. Our hosted ecommerce solution has an average response time of around ? of a second. If you’re preparing for a major event like the holidays, our tech team will test and optimize your shopping cart and entire site can handle the high traffic volume.

DDOS protection

Our Enterprise plan comes standard with cutting-edge DDOS mitigation to protect your site from attacks, a feature that can cost more than $5,000 a month on traditional hosting platforms.

Our ecommerce hosting & security features:

  • Unlimited bandwidth.
  • Fast content delivery network.
  • Buy new domain names.
  • Use an existing domain name.
  • Shared SSL certificate included.
  • Buy or transfer dedicated SSL certificates.

complete details available

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M-F 8:30a - 6:30p est. Sat by Appt