We provide three types of web design projects. We work with your budget to create a working plan for you. With the popularity of social media and video marketing, we have added artificial intelligence (AI) to make my services more efficient. All services that go over the hours specified in your proposal are billed at $60.00 per hour. We will notify you in advance when we've reached your proposed hours.
A starter landing page is simply a page that combines information about you and your business on one page. These pages are created using the traditional HTML/CSS format. These are ideal for mobile devices because they decrease scrolling from page to page. Instead, you just move the page up and down to navigate through the different sections of information. The national average rate for a traditional HTML landing page starts at $350.
A WORDPRESS landing page is simply a page that combines information about you and your business on one page, but created using the Word Press platform. These are ideal for mobile devices because they decrease scrolling from page to page. Instead, you just move the page up and down to navigate through the different sections of information. A WORDPRESS landing page can be upgraded to include multiple pages. The average landing page content cost in 2024 ranges from $500 to $1000.
Effective Jan 3, 2024, A multi-page Word Press project in its simplest form is a self-contained piece of software. It’s the most popular method used over the last few years to create effective and attractive website projects. However, In order to create some of the masterpieces you see online requires some planning, designing, developing, themes and extensions. The website you are viewing right now WAS NOT developed using Word Press, it was developed using traditional HTML/CSS/Coding. We have a Word Press version of this website for demo purposes.
The national average rate for a Word Press project is between $1,500 - 3,000.
Effective Jan 3, 2024, All ecommerce projects are designed using either the top rated software BigCommerce or the Woo Commerce platform unless otherwise requested. The national average rate for an ecommerce project with 50 products starts at $3,000.
These are samples designed and developed using HTML, CSS and more and tools like Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and more. I use a high speed hosting platform and premium extensions to enhance each project. The samples we provide below, speak for themselves.
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